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His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1) Page 14
His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1) Read online
Page 14
“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, her sparkling eyes shining up at him.
He hugged her warmly for a moment, then moving to the door, he cracked it open and peered into the short hallway to make sure no one was around.
“We can leave,” he whispered, and flicking out the light, he led her quickly into the corridor.
Walking back through the dining room, no one paid them the slightest attention, except for the serving staff who smiled politely. Wincing as she sat down, she took several sips of tea, then began to eat.
“I wonder if that supply room is where that man hid,” Charlotte said thoughtfully.
“Quite possibly,” Edward nodded. “When I followed you over there and noticed the door, I was going to check, but if he’d been in there it might have caused quite a scene, and what could I have said? He didn’t do anything that I saw. One must be careful, Charlotte. One cannot simply go around accusing people of things.”
“Yes, of course,” Charlotte nodded. “I didn’t think of that.”
“No, you didn’t,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “You have a good breakfast and we’ll set out to the Royal Pavilion, and don’t worry, from now on I’ll keep a sharp lookout for him. It may be entirely innocent. Perhaps he thinks he knows you but doesn’t want to approach unless he’s sure. Regardless, I will handle any situation that arises, you understand?”
“Most definitely,” she replied as the hot sting made her shift in her seat.
“You see, Charlotte, once again you have learned that I mean what I say. If you disobey me, if you insist on being willful, and think you can do whatever you please, you will be punished. It’s for your own good, and as my wife you must learn how to behave properly.”
“Yes, sir, I do see,” she nodded, her voice quietly and appropriately demure.
Satisfied with her response, he returned to his meal. She had disregarded his warning and her bottom had paid the price. The stick had been an afterthought before they’d left the suite, and he was glad of it. A former school chum, a well-respected lawyer and businessman who shared Edward’s love of discipline, thoroughly enjoyed making such implements. Now that Charlotte was in his life, Edward decided to pay his friend a visit when he was next in London, and see what else he might have on offer.
A short time later they headed from the hotel to walk to the famous Royal Pavilion. The shining sun had made the day warm, puffy clouds floated overhead, and they chatted happily about the sights as they strolled along. Though the stick had left Charlotte with a peppery sting, she was feeling a delicious dampness between her legs and the need to cling to his arm, but as they turned the corner and the pavilion came into view, it captured her full attention. With its domes and minarets, it looked like an Indian castle from a fairytale, and all other thoughts were swept from her mind.
“That is the most extraordinary building I have ever seen,” she exclaimed. “It is thrilling.”
“There’s a great deal to see and explore. I hope you have plenty of energy.”
“I do, Edward, and I cannot wait to wander through its halls and rooms. It is so utterly beautiful.”
“The banquet room is extraordinary. You won’t believe your eyes,” he remarked.
He was right. Charlotte was astounded by the large, colorful paintings and murals that adorned the walls and ceiling, and she could easily imagine the royal family holding elegant parties and balls. Her favorite area of the magnificent structure was the Long Gallery, which linked the main state rooms, including the banquet hall and music room.
“My great-aunt once attended an evening here,” Edward said as they wandered outside on to the lawn.
“She did?”
“She’s passed away now of course, but I vaguely remember her talking about it when I was a child.”
“Edward, can you tell me about your family? I know so little.”
“I think my family is best explained when we return to my country home. The portrait gallery will be helpful, and my family’s history is in books and albums you’re welcome to read. We can be traced back many centuries,” he said casually, “but I assume the same could be said of your family.”
“Uncle Hugo did tell me our history once, but I don’t remember much. My mother did too. This reminds me that I know too little, and you’re making me want to know more.”
“It’s important, Charlotte. You need to know these things. I’m surprised your parents weren’t fastidious about teaching you.”
“My cousin will have the knowledge, both the good and the bad, I’m sure,” she sighed. “I do wish I knew him better. I’ve always had a fondness for him.”
“I want your cousin to visit, or we can visit him. When we return home, you must provide me with his address.”
“I’d love to see him,” she smiled.
“I think it’s time we headed back to the hotel. You’re beginning to look a little weary.”
“I am. Yes, but it’s been a wonderful visit.”
“And how is your bottom feeling?”
“It’s still tender,” she said with a warm blush. “You don’t have to worry about me chasing down a stranger who was staring at me ever again.”
“Good, I’m very happy to hear it,” Edward said, and relieved it appeared she had learned her lesson, he wore a satisfied smile as they started back to the Metropole.
“Edward, how long are we staying here?”
“I thought a few days, why?”
“I’m loving this holiday, but I’m eager to see your country home. You speak of it so fondly, and it sounds marvelous. I’m anxious to entertain and meet all your friends. I must already know some of them, or at least be acquainted.”
“Most probably,” he nodded, “but you have much to learn before you can be a hostess for a ball or large party.”
“I do?”
“We can start with a small dinner, perhaps ten or so guests.”
“I would love that, Edward. Thank you.”
“Have you ever planned a menu?”
“Uh, no, I haven’t.”
“What about hosting at your aunt’s side, meeting people and making them feel welcome?”
“Ugh, no,” she frowned. “My aunt’s friends were horribly tedious.”
“We’ve already discussed that part of it,” he said firmly. “You must learn to be cordial and warm to even the most boring guest. Did you ever help your aunt supervise the decoration of a table for a dinner party?”
“I see what you mean,” she lamented. “It’s more than just sending out invitations.”
“Indeed, but you will learn, and I will be there to help.”
“Do you host your gatherings by yourself?”
“My sister, Evelyn, is usually the one who stands by my side. Everyone will be very pleased that you will be the one to do so from now on.”
“Edward,” she said slowly, “why weren’t there more of your family at our wedding? It was such a big affair.”
“They are scattered around the country, and we married so quickly, it would have been difficult for many to come at such short notice, and you don’t know this about me, Charlotte, but I am somewhat of a rogue in my family.”
“But everyone said you were an extremely eligible man. My aunt and uncle wouldn’t have insisted we meet if you weren’t proper in every way; at least, I don’t think so.”
“Being a rogue doesn’t mean I wasn’t eligible or I’m not proper, as you put it. I am extremely cordial to all who cross my path, but my relatives, in private, fall victim to my candor. At the wedding I preferred having only those with whom I share a true kinship. Why celebrate the happiest day of my life with those who hold me in contempt?”
“Do they really hold you in contempt?”
“I believe they do, but enough about my family. You’re looking quite flushed. Are you too warm?”
“I am a bit, yes. I think I want to go into the ocean.”
“The sun is quite hot, but the sea will be chilly.”
��I hope so,” she remarked, fanning her face with her hand.
“Very well. When we get back, you can put on your new swimming costume and we’ll go down to the beach.”
“Wonderful! I’m certainly looking forward to it. I need cold water on my body. It is much too warm.”
“The cold and the salt might freshen the sting on your bottom,” he warned.
“It will be worth it,” she grinned.
“You really are the most adorable girl,” Edward said warmly. “Perhaps we will stay here in Brighton just a short time. There is so much I want to share with you at my home,” and so many implements I wish to use on your lovely nakedness. So many ways I wish to devour your body in the quiet privacy of our bedchamber. Yes, soon we will return to Dunworth Abbey, and you will be trained.
Chapter Fifteen
Delighted to be back in their room, Charlotte stood quietly as Edward undressed her. She found the slow removal of her clothing thoroughly enjoyable, and as the last garment came off, she felt his eyes studying her from behind.
“Excellent,” he muttered, gazing at the three red lines gracing her seat-cheeks. “I sincerely hope that little stick made my wishes clear.”
“It certainly did,” she replied. “If a little stick can do that, I shudder to think what a proper rod would do.”
“That naughtiness with the baron might well find it landing on your bottom,” he said, smoothing his hand across the marks and gently squeezing her flesh, then slipping his fingers between her legs, he added, “but discipline offers more than just correction, doesn’t it, Charlotte?”
“Oh, yes, sir,” she murmured.
“When we return from your swim I shall explore you further. Perhaps we might even enjoy some pre-dinner pleasure,” he whispered, his lips at her ear, then dropping his fingers, he turned her around to face him. “What is it?” he asked, finding an odd expression on her face.
“Your fingers,” she sighed. “They feel amazing.”
“They’re supposed to,” he said softly, “and I’m glad, but I see more in your eyes. Is there something you wish to ask me?”
“How is it you already know me so well?”
“I’m sure there is much more to learn,” he softly replied, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “Tell me what’s on that mind of yours?”
“I know this isn’t customary, but I want to put my swimming costume on here in our room, not in one of those sheds on the beach,” she said with a gentle pleading.
“You certainly can’t frolic through the hotel in your swimming costume!”
“I thought I could wear my long cloak. You said you didn’t want to take a swim. You could hold it for me. Please, Edward?”
“What about when you come out of the water and you’re drenched? Are you going to put your cloak on over your dripping clothes and walk through the lobby soaking wet?”
“Oh, I hadn’t thought about that.”
“I think you’ll have to use one of those sheds, Charlotte,” he said firmly. “That’s why they are there. It’s the proper way to do things.”
“What if I carry a dress down with me, and leave it in a shed with the cape, then I can change into it when I’m finished with my swim. I won’t have the petticoats or anything, just the dress, and I can put my cloak over that.”
“I’m not sure if that’s—”
“Please?” she interrupted.
“Why do you wish to do this?” he asked, perplexed by her odd request.
“I, uh, I want to see what I look like here before I go down,” she admitted. “There are no mirrors in those sheds and I want to be sure I look all right.”
“You are unlike any female I’ve ever met,” Edward said, shaking his head. “It’s just as well things have become more relaxed these days. Just a few years ago what you’re suggesting would never be acceptable. It makes me wonder where we’re headed. I suspect if I allow this, it will be a first.”
“We are both rogues,” she giggled. “Please?”
“Very well,” he sighed, “and I can’t believe we had this conversation with you standing there completely naked. I rather like it. Perhaps I shall make it a new rule. When we’re alone in my bedchamber in the evening, you will strip completely, and I will remain clothed. There is something deliciously decadent about it.”
“I agree,” she whispered. “You remaining in your suit as you are, and me like this, it does make me feel all tingly.”
“I shall give this consideration,” he said thoughtfully. “It offers all sorts of possibilities. Meanwhile, I’m going to pop downstairs and find a newspaper. I’ll be back shortly to see how you’re getting on.”
“Perfect, thank you,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.
She watched him walk to the door, then retrieved the swimming costume from the drawer in the armoire. Fresh bloomers and long black stockings went under the drawers that were tied around the knee with a satin ribbon. This was followed by the dress that had the latest style of short puffy sleeves, a square neck, and a matching hat. Shoes made to protect her feet from the rocks and shells were the last part of the ensemble. The outfit was black and white, and as she eyed herself in the mirror she broke into a smile. She liked it every bit as much as she had when she’d tried it on at Selfridges.
She was about to move into the bathroom to apply a special lotion that would protect her skin from the elements, when she stared down at her hand and gazed at her treasured engagement and wedding ring. Fearful she might lose them in the water, with great reluctance she pulled them from her finger and placed them on the dresser. When Edward returned, he could decide how best to keep them safe.
Happy with her decision, she ambled into the bathroom and searched out the unique cream in her beauty case. The sound of the door opening and closing told her that Edward had returned, but when she glanced in the mirror at the reflection of the room, it wasn’t Edward she saw, but the handsome stranger! Shocked and stifling a scream, she darted behind the open door and peered through the crack.
The man began searching the first of the two dressers. Charlotte saw him pocket some money along with some other items, but then, to her horror, the man discovered her rings. With a broad smile he held them up to the light, then dropped them into his pocket, and seemingly satisfied he hurried from the room.
Heart pounding, Charlotte slipped from her hiding place, and grabbing her cloak, she raced to the door. Cracking it open, she saw the man turn at the end of the hallway to take the stairs. Quickly following, she reached the landing and carefully looked down to see him tipping this hat to those who passed. Charlotte hurried to the lift, hoping it would deliver her to the ground floor faster than the man could get there by the stairway, giving her time to find Edward, but when the lift finally arrived and she stepped off, she was just in time to see the thief leaving the hotel.
“Bother, bother, bother,” she exclaimed, hurrying after him, but as she passed the doorman she abruptly stopped. “That man, do you see?” she panted urgently, pointing to the handsome stranger as he moved swiftly down the street. “He just robbed our room. Lord Pemberly is my husband, I’m Lady Charlotte Pemberly. My husband is in the hotel somewhere, probably the smoking room. Please find him and tell him, and call the police. I must follow that man before I lose sight of him.”
“Madame, that is most unwise,” the doorman declared. “Please wait…” but his words fell on deaf ears, and he watched with great concern as Charlotte began to walk briskly down the footpath.
Her eyes on the man marching ahead of her, Charlotte’s mind was swimming. Had he not stolen her rings, she would have just hurried to find Edward and alert him, but she was determined the man would not escape.
Quickening her pace, she reached the end of the block, paused, and then stole a glance around the edge of building. The handsome stranger was walking at a brisk pace and was already halfway down the block. There were plenty of strolling couples, so Charlotte felt comfortable continuing her pursuit. Being able to hide be
hind the other pedestrians was giving her a sense of security, but as the man continued to move further away from the promenade, the crowd began to thin. By the time he turned at the next corner, there were only a few people scattered on either side of the street, but Charlotte had another problem besides her lack of cover. She was becoming overheated. While the swimming costume had short puffy sleeves, it was made of wool, as was her cloak, and she was baking in the hot afternoon sun.
Reaching the corner, as she’d done before, she stopped and peered down the street. He had turned to the left, and she could see him crossing the road into a small square. She knew from her earlier walk to the Royal Pavilion that Western Road was just ahead, and being one of the main thoroughfares of the town, she was sure she would be back amongst many more people, but she lingered. The heat was causing her brow to sweat, and the swimming costume was no longer just hot, it had begun to itch.
The square was small, and as the man began to disappear she hurried after him, finally managing to catch sight of him still striding briskly forward. The trees were a welcome respite from the searing sun, and as she walked under their cooling shelter, she took a deep breath and wiped her brow. It was a short block to Western Road, and moving forward, desperate to keep him in sight, she watched him as he marched across into a smaller side street. Quickly following, she stood at the end of the block and dropped her shoulders in relief. He was trotting up some steps and into a house.
“Thank goodness,” she muttered. “I must take note of where I am. This will be an easy place to lead Edward and the police, but I should make sure of the door he entered.”
There were several houses in a row, and walking slowly forward, trying to ignore the itchy swimming costume and the heat of her cloak, she spied the number on the door. Seventy Six. Committing it to memory, she turned and started back up the row of houses, hoping she’d be able to return to the Metropole without fainting.
If I had some money I’d be able to stop at one of the shops on Western Road and buy a drink. I really am feeling quite dreadful. At least I know where that evil man is staying. I must hurry back. I’m sure Edward will be very worried about me, but he’ll understand, I know he will.