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Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel Page 14
Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel Read online
Page 14
“My gosh, Marco, that letter is incredible. Where did you find it?”
“I’m not sure how long I can talk. I’m in a coffee shop and there’s no-one else here at the moment, but that could change.”
“Oh, right. Okay.”
“I found it where Kratos told me to look if he didn’t come back, and obviously he knew he wasn’t returning because he was hightailing it out of town. It was under his desk taped to an innocuous piece of string hidden behind a drawer. If anyone had seen it they wouldn’t have given it a second look. Kratos was a genius. What a waste. I can’t stop thinking about how different his life could have been.”
“Yeah, me too,” Kat sighed. “I suppose I shouldn’t feel bad about a creep like that, but I do.”
“It’s weird,” Marco muttered, “he was a criminal and a gangster, but in spite of all that there was some good in him. When I was looking through the books I discovered he donated regularly to several charities.”
“Yep, and I don’t just mean from the tavern, I mean personally.”
“Sounds like he was a complicated man, but regardless, he sure wants HH to be put out of business. Does all this information change what you’re going to do?”
“No, but it takes some of the guesswork out of it, and now I know for sure Jason is the way to get in touch with HH, just as you suspected, and I’m not going up to the mansion.”
“I’m really glad to hear that. What a relief. I’ve been so worried.”
“When I read his warning, it was as if he was reaching out from beyond the grave and demanding I not go there, and Kat, I felt a strange chill.”
“That is so scary, but not going up there it fits in with your plan.”
“It does. Kratos believed in fate. Strange how things are now falling into place. Sorry, Kat, some more customers have just come in. I’ll call you again when I can but my day will be hectic. Do me a favor and let Steve know we’ve talked.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“And Kat, before I end this call I’m going to give you an instruction.”
“You just gave me butterflies.”
“It’s not that kind of instruction.”
“I don’t care, you still gave me butterflies. What is it?”
“Take a taxi here tonight. I can’t help feeling over-protective right now. I’ll zip you back home in the morning.”
“I don’t mind doing that, not a bit.”
He could hear her smile through the phone. In spite of all of her previous protests, she loved that he was watching out for her.
“I’ll see you later, Kat,” he softly murmured. “Stay safe.”
“You too. Please, Marco, watch your back.”
Ending the call, Marco watched the three teenage boys who had sauntered into the coffee shop settle into a nearby booth. They were laughing and kidding around, and then he saw one of them pull out a pack of cigarettes. He grit his teeth, but only for a moment, before standing up and walking across to their booth. To their shock he sat down in the empty space next to the boy with the packet and took it from his hands.
“Hey!” the boy said, feigning a confidence Marco knew he didn’t feel.
“You sure you wanna argue with me?” Marco asked, scowling at the scrawny teenager.
Marco knew he looked rough and tough. He hadn’t shaved, he was wearing his Kratos Kings sleeveless T-shirt, which meant his powerfully muscled arms were on full display, and he was twice the size of the three boys put together.
“No, I just—uh…”
“I’m gonna tell you a quick story, then I’ll take off. All you’ve gotta do is sit there quietly and listen. Got it?”
The three boys just stared at him, afraid to speak, and not knowing what to say even if they could.
“A friend of mine was killed yesterday. He was riding his bike and he got hit by a semi-truck on the freeway. You might’ve heard about it.”
He saw their eyes widen in shock, and still full of questions and confusion. Who was this guy? Why was he sitting there, holding their cigarettes and talking to them?
“These coffin nails you’re so proud of smoking,” he declared, holding them up, “you think they make you look cool and all grown up? They make you look stupid. All you’re doing is stepping in front of a slow moving bus that’ll kill you as sure as that truck killed my friend, but it won’t be quick and painless, it’ll be slow and grisly.”
Marco let his words hang in the air as he studied their faces. They were still scared, but they were also captivated.
“But that aside, you wanna get laid? Good luck. Kiss a girl smelling like cigarettes, she won’t wanna kiss you again, and no amount of mints or breath spray will help. It’s gross.”
“Uh, can I ask you something?” one of the boys said hesitantly.
“Sure. Go ahead.”
“I’m not being rude or anything, but, uh, why are you telling us all this?”
“My friend could have been a somebody. He could have had the nice house, the big car, all of it. He was smart, real smart, but somewhere along the way he made a bad choice and got messed up. Smoking is a bad choice. One bad choice leads to another. If I stop one of you from walking down the same road as my friend, it’s almost as if his death will count for something. Does that make sense to you?”
Two of the boys stared at the tabletop, and the other gazed out the window.
“I asked you a question,” Marco said gruffly. “Does what I said make sense? If it doesn’t, tell me, and I’ll explain it another way.”
Awkwardly they each mumbled their agreement, but the boy who had asked the question, was brave enough to look Marco in the eye.
“You’re right about the kissing thing. I can’t stand kissing a girl who’s been smoking. It’s disgusting.”
“I’m right about all of it, and I’m going to take these and throw them away,” he continued, stuffing the pack of cigarettes into his pocket. “If see any of you again, I’ll say hi, I might even buy you some coffee and pie, but if you’re smoking, I’ll deliver this message again, and it won’t be a friendly chat. Get my drift?”
Intimidated, and in awe of the smooth-talking but rough-looking biker, the three teenagers, their faces flushed, slowly nodded their heads.
“Spend your money on something sensible, like condoms,” Marco said rising to his feet.
“Hey, what’s your name?” the brave one asked.
“Uh, thanks, Marco.”
“Thank me by thinking about what I said,” he replied, then shooting them a half-smile, he headed to the cashier, paid the bill, and left.
As he walked across the street, he decided it had been destiny that had put the three young lives in his path at that moment. On another day he may have paid them no attention, and reaching the dumpster, he pulled the packet of cigarettes and tossed them in. He paused, feeling good about what he’d just done, and picking up the small waste basket he emptied it, then returned to the tavern and into the office. As he sat back down, he felt ready to move forward, and pulling out his phone, scanning his contacts for Jason Dean’s number, he placed the call.
Jason’s voice was crisp, as though he’d been caught in the middle of something.
“Jason, it’s Brooder here, from the Kings.”
“Hey, Brooder. If you’re calling to tell me about Kratos and Dennis, I heard. Sorry, man. Tough break.”
“The toughest. We’re having a memorial service and a wake here tomorrow afternoon. We’ll be starting around three’ish.”
“I’ll be there. Thanks for calling. Say, uh Brooder…”
“What’s going to happen to the club? I mean, the Kratos Kings was the Kratos Kings. Kratos was the guy.”
“It won’t be the same, no question, but I’ve been asked to step into his shoes, though no-one can ever take his place.”
“How did that come abo
ut? Is it temporary or…?”
“The guys decided it independently, but I wasn’t looking for this so I’ll only be in charge as long as they want me. As far as the club goes nothing will change. We’ll still be doing what we do.”
“Nothing will change?”
“Nothing,” Marco said firmly, “and we need to talk about that tomorrow. There are some things that can only be dealt with in person.”
“I’ll see you then.”
Ending the call, Marco placed his phone on the desk and pretended to return his focus to the checkbooks, but his mind was already looking ahead to the next day. He needed to let Steve know he’d made contact, but he stayed put for almost an hour before walking to the men’s room, locking himself in a stall, and texting.
Though he lived close by, Marco had spent the rest of the day and evening at the tavern. The gang had arrived back from the rocks around six o’clock, and Marco had spent time shaking everyone’s hand, thanking them for their confidence, and eating with them, until he was finally able to slip back into his office for a break. He was tired, but when Kat arrived and poked her head around the door, he was relieved and grateful to see her.
“Sorry I didn’t have a chance to call,” he apologized, moving over and hugging her tightly. “It’s been crazy around here.”
“I’m sure. You look beat.”
“I’m totally beat, but everything’s under control. I’m ready to take off if you want.”
“Yes, I definitely want,” she said, her eyes shining up at him.
“Great. My bike’s out back. I’ll just go and tell Leo I’m outta here,” he murmured, then leaning his lips to her neck, he whispered, “Remember the nanny cam’s behind the photograph.”
“Hurry,” she said as he stepped away and headed out the door.
She meandered around the office, then moved behind the desk and dropped into the chair. It was lumpy and hard, and curious she stood up, and pretending to dust it off, she ran her fingers across the seat. Mindful of the camera she wandered away, and when Marco walked back in she perched herself on the edge of the desk.
“You need a new desk chair. That thing is really uncomfortable, besides, it belonged to Kratos. You should have your own.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
“I want to buy it for you. Please let me. I can get it delivered tomorrow and have this old thing taken away at the same time.”
Marco had no idea what she was talking about, but there had to be reason for the odd offer so he played along.
“How can I say no? That would be great,” he exclaimed, grabbing her and hugging her tightly. “Let’s get out of here. I want to thank you properly.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Turning out the lights and locking the door behind them, Marco took her hand and led her through the back door and into the parking lot
“There’s something hidden in the seat of that chair,” she said softly as he handed her his extra helmet.
“Yeah, broken springs.”
“No, Marco, it’s definitely an object, and I’m pretty sure it’s a gun.”
“I could feel it. I ran my fingers around the shape.”
“You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I do,” she winked. “Now get me home. I need to be naked with you.”
Marco’s modest rental was a two-bedroom house with a detached garage on a nondescript street, and as they walked inside he switched off the alarm while she wandered into the living room. The furniture appeared relatively new, and the home was clean and tidy.
“This isn’t so bad, but it’s obvious you’re not here much.”
“No, not much. It was swept for bugs this afternoon so we don’t have to worry.”
“Good to know. If HH slipped a nanny cam into the office at the tavern, we have to assume he’d try to get something planted here,” she remarked, then pulled her phone from her jacket pocket.
“Calling someone?”
“Johnny, to tell him about the chair.”
“Make it quick. I have to take a shower and I want some company.”
“Who did you have in mind?” she winked. “Hey, Johnny, you need to make a furniture delivery tomorrow.”
As she explained the details of the chair, Marco removed his jacket, and walking up behind her, he began nuzzling her neck.
“Sorry, I have to go,” she said, trying to keep her voice even. “I’ll talk to you in the morning.”
“To answer your question, there’s this really hot chick I know,” Marco murmured as she ended the call. “She’s got a great ass and I can’t get enough of her.”
“If you’re talking about me,” she said with a wicked grin, dropping her phone back in her pocket and turning to face him, “I’d love to accommodate you, but I found out some things that we—”
“It can wait,” he growled, roaming his hands across her breasts, “you’re coming with me, and I mean right now.”
With his arm around her waist he bustled her into the bedroom and quickly removed her clothes, then hurriedly undressing himself, he led her into the bathroom. It was small with the shower over the bath, and as Marco pushed aside the plastic shower curtain, Kat stared down at the tiny tub.
“We have to get back to my place. Good grief. If you sat in this thing you’d get stuck.”
“Get in there girl,” he grinned, slapping her naked backside.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a very hard hand?” she asked, climbing carefully over the side of the bath.
“Yeah, you,” he replied, stepping in after her. “Stand back, it takes a while for the hot water to run.”
As he turned on the faucets, he looked over his shoulder at her, sporting an evil grin.
“No, no, no!” she protested, guessing what he was about to do, “you’re not—”
But his hands had wrapped themselves around her waist and lifted her off her feet before she could finish, and spinning her around he stood her under the chilly water. With her squeals ringing through the air as it splashed over them, he began tonguing his way across her chest and down to her breasts.
“Your nipples are so fucking hard,” he muttered, then fisting her hair he sent his mouth against hers, muffling her yowls.
Swept away by his ardent attack, Kat fervently returned his kiss, pressing her pelvis against his rock-hard cock, but his hand abruptly released her hair and began sliding down her back. His fingers clutched her backside, then slipped between her legs and crept into her pussy. Weak from his overwhelming passion she dropped her head into the crook of his shoulder and leaned against him.
“Listen up,” he said huskily, his breath in her ear, “I’m going to wash the grime off my body, then I’m going to fuck you really, really hard. Wait for me on the bed with your arms and legs spread, and Kat, this is not a time to test me. Understood?”
Kat felt a hot flood wash through her already soaked sex, and slowly turning to face him, she raised her eyes to meet his.
“I love you, Marco.”
He paused, staring down at her, as if he wasn’t sure what he’d heard, or perhaps didn’t believe it.
“I do,” she stammered, “but I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry, I’m an idiot, it’s too soon. it just fell out of me. God, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Dammit, don’t be sorry. Yeah, it’s fast, but I feel it too.”
“Uh-huh, I’ve fallen hard. I love you too, Kat.”
His gruff voice had transformed into barely a whisper, but it was echoing through her head as if it had been heralded through a megaphone. Abruptly his lips were back on hers, devouring her mouth, his tongue searching, exploring, meeting hers, then abruptly pulling back he placed his hands on either side of her face.
“Do as I say. Go to my bed and wait for me.”
Pushing the curtain aside, he took her arm and supported her as she stepped unsteadily from the bath, then let
ting it fall back down, he grabbed the soap and hurriedly washed off the day, shampooed the smell of the tavern from his hair, and ran a razor over the sharp bristles covering his face.
Spread-eagled on his surprisingly comfortable bed, though she was aching to touch herself, Kat wasn’t about to disobey him. The tone in his voice had made her toes curl, and surrendering to his control was sublime. When she heard the shower stop she turned her eyes to the door, and with the only light coming from behind him as he entered the room, he was almost a silhouette. His wide shoulders and his tall muscled body made him seem like a vision, and she watched him as he walked wordlessly across the room to a chest of drawers. He retrieved something, and as he moved towards her she saw it was a wooden rod with a fluffy ball at the end.
“These are tenor drum sticks,” he said softly, moving the soft orb over her nipples. “This fur is for pleasure, and these,” he said, deftly flipping the stick in his fingers revealing a pair of dangling leather tongues, “offer the other side of the coin. Stay as you are and don’t move.”
The two thin straps suddenly flicked across one nipple, then the other. She let out a surprised yelp, and he immediately dropped his fingers in a soothing caress.
“Good girl. You didn’t raise your arms or try to cover yourself. You’ll get rewarded for that.”
Lowering his head he drew her luscious mounds into his mouth, gently sucking one, then the other, eliciting whimpers of gratitude and pleasure, then lingered his lips upon hers in, a long, loving kiss.